Every season of the year brings challenges for your hair. Winter brings lots of windy days that can leave hair that was perfectly neat and styled when you went out looking like a bird’s nest by the time you return home, but as the equinox approaches there will be a new seasonal challenge to face.
While spring should hopefully bring more benign weather and even days of beautiful sunshine to give you reasons to spend more time outdoors, it also brings its own challenge. The warmer, drier weather and UV radiation will dry your hair faster, so you could easily end up with very dry hair unless you take action.
The first thing you should do is get your hair trimmed. March should be the month to ensure all your winter dead ends are trimmed away, leaving everything fresh and healthy.
After this, you should use a hair moisturiser regularly to ensure it is cared for well. Regular visits to tour hair stylist should help ensure you stay on top of this.
A crucial issue is to ensure anything you are putting in your hair has SPF protection to protect against sun damage, especially UV radiation.
Another great way of maintaining moisture is to air dry your hair after washing it. Obviously there is no point doing this on a wet day, but when you know the sun will be out you can enjoy the warmth while avoiding drying out your hair. Moreover, this restricts your use of drying tools that can suck excessive moisture out of your hair.
While you are unlikely to go swimming outdoors before the summer - and even though most likely overseas - it is always a good idea to get some prep in your hair before swimming, even if indoors, as you will be having to wash it thoroughly to get all that chlorine out, so you don’t want to put too much strain on it.
Bt taking these careful steps, you can ensure your hair not only survives spring and summer, but looks and feels lively, shiny and neat throughout these seasons.