After a summer when your hair will have glinted in the sun or alternatively been hidden under a wide-brimmed hat when the heat has been at its most intense, it is time to start thinking about the autumn.
Of course, nobody planning their next trip to the hair dresser in Liverpool wants to think about the weather getting cold, the wind blowing your hair around and drying your skin, or your hair ending up with leaves in it as they turn brown and fall on you. But the reality is those days are coming.
However, whether with pumpkins or fireworks it’s time to look forward and make the most of autumn, which means finding a style that suits you. There are certainly plenty of ideas being thrown around about what they will be.
For anyone taking their cue from the celebrities, InStyle magazine has asked stylists to the stars in the US what they think. As ever, when America sneezes Britain catches a cold, so normally we should be on safe ground assuming such predictions matter here. However, they do not all say the same thing.
On the one hand, there are those like Miami-based stylist Michelle O’Connor who tips straight, sleek hair will be in vogue, as will 90s style wavy blowouts. By contrast, Garnier curl stylist Sabrina Ahmed is tipping - or course - curls, in the forms of 80s style curly bangs making a comeback.
What to Wear UK has its own ideas. It suggests popular styles will include a return of several 1970s styles, with the bouncy curls, chunky fringes, undone buns and half up, half down looks.
Some may say all this is just speculation, and of course the style that suits someone else may not be ideal for you. But if there is one recurrent theme, it does appear retro is in.
That suggests autumn 2022 will not be a time for anything radically new, but a blast from the past instead.